Friday, March 16, 2018

Love at first sight.......

I realized that the opening of the film should be somewhere reflective of going through the full circle of life. I feel as if though we had her walking through a home and remembering everything that she has gone through until she goes to the backyard and sees the lake and the sunset is when she goes into a full flashback. My greatest struggle with this piece is that I want it to be impactful and I want it to also be a story so profound that the audience should want the movie to keep going. Right now I feel as if my ideas are not enough to make this a great film and I'm trying to think of other ways to expand the concept of this movie and make it something really cool. My dads coworker is letting me borrow his film camera to use so that should be good but one of the actors in the film pulled out last minute so we are stuck with two options one in which it would be that we do not create the idea of a language barrier and cultural difference or the second in which we choose to just follow the opening story of he girl and how much she hates her job until she meets him and thats where will end the opening scene. What will be interesting is if we do not introduce the male character but you get to see parts of his body that would establish that he is someone that is good looking but does not speak nor do you see his face but once the main female character looks at him you will know that she is in love with him and it is a love that is inevitable but ill play out we just need to figure out a story board concept because at this point we have all the ideas yet they are not organized and we need to follow a structure. I am almost done with the scripts and scene movement and then I will post the rough draft on my next blog assignment next time so that you guys can see the dialogue of the characters and so there can also be more clarity as in which direction the film will be going into.

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Here is the opening to the film entitled Through Aging Eyes